TricroBraun Cares
The Cormack Cares Program aims to Foster the Corporate Values and feeling of pride amongst the Cormack team “I care and Cormack cares”. It is about:
People: Care & Respect for others, Personal Growth
Focus and Passion: You and I can make a difference, Be Passionate about what you do, others will share your passion.
It also acknowledges that Cormack is a part of a bigger community and as a leading organisation has a role encouraging its staff to engage in community programs.
TricorBraun will support employees undertaking charity work. TricorBraun will provide each employee one work day with full pay to undertake charity work each year in the following areas:
> Assisting as a worker at a registered charity
> Assisting as a worker at any recognised community based care activity
> Assisting as a worker at a facility caring for the Sick, Under privileged or Elderly community.