At TricorBraun we are celebrating 316 days and counting!
After surpassing the previous safety record of 315 days without a lost time injury, recognition was made of a site wide commitment to ensuring the health and safety of all employees.
316 Days and Counting (without a lost time injury) Safety Incentive Program has been implemented to track and communicate to all employees on a weekly basis the maintenance of this significant safety achievement. With a focus on prevention and co-operation across all levels of the organisation, all employees are now focusing on achieving the next milestone of 400 days without a lost time injury.
In celebrating the achievement with all team members at a special lunch function, Mathew Cormack, Managing Director acknowledged that it is every individual's right to return home safely from work each day, but that it is also their duty to both themselves as individuals and to their colleagues to ensure that they practice the discipline of good Occupational Health and Safety that TricorBraun have embedded into the organisation.
In his speech to staff, he also expressed the importance of Occupational Health and Safety practices in the success of the business and its ability to be productive and grow in the current environment.
David Mellows, Operations Manager echoed these comments adding that Occupational Health and Safety and Lost Time Injury was every person's responsibility from the office staff to manufacturing operators, and that all employees had a role in achieving this milestone for Cormack.
Where quality is a focus every day in every thing we do, TricorBraun are proud of this achievement and look forward to celebrating 400 days without a lost time injury...... 84 days and counting.